Sunday, November 2, 2008

you know what really grinds my gears??

Parking, there are no where near enough spots on campus for there are the number of cars students drive. What really "grind my gears" is when students or faculty that have underground or reserved for staff parking spots park somewhere else taking up the few spots that are available to a student that isn't so lucky to have an underground spot. Faculty are just as guilty of doing this as well. They have reserved spots yet they are parked somewhere else other then their reserved spot, and if a student takes the reserved spot they get ticketed. If you have a spot assigned to you, just use it. By parking somewhere else other then where you are assigned you are taking away from a students chance to park on the street or in any of the lots. I know plenty of students that leave campus and worry about finding a parking spot when they come back. These students would love to be guaranteed a parking spot every time they leave campus, just like the students that have an underground spot, instead they know that when they leave that their spot is going to be taken by someone that has an underground spot and the student is stuck looking for any possible spot they can find regardless of how far it is from their house . If you have an assigned spot use it and don't be inconsiderate.


Emily said...

I was one of those students last year. I drove to like 3 feet down the road, was gone no more than 10 min and my spot was gone and I ended up parking over in McCauley's lot even though I lived on Lewis. Instead of new dorms or whatever else they have planned, we need more parking spaces!

Anonymous said...

Parking on campus truly is rediculous. However, hopefully something will be done soon. I am commuter and parking is nuts. I have even witnessed an accident in one of our parking lots, because two people were so desperate for the spot and neither wanted to give it up so they both sped into the space and knicked their front ends. Rediculous.

Christopher Cummings said...

Love the post and agree. Also love the reference to Family Guy do not know if that was what you where going for? But, love the post.