Friday, November 7, 2008

The Last Bloggggggg

I have struggled all term long trying to think of something to blog about twice a week. Now that it is over i can not wait to stop this. I am not a fan of blogging at all. Before this class I had never blogged or "tweeted" and it is something that I am just not a fan of. It is interesting to see where this has all come from and where it is going, but it is just not for me. I do not see the interest in writing my opinions about something and having people read and comment about it. If someone wants to know my opinion they can just ask me in person. I had never heard about "tweets" until this class and i feel like that form of communication will take off like social networking has in a couple years but neither of it is for me. I had never tweeted or blogged before this class, and i do not see the need to continue it afterwards. The multimedia storytelling class that introduced me to these different uses of media was very interesting to see what i had been missing out on, but after ten weeks of it I have realized one thing, it' just not for me.


Anonymous said...

I have to say I have enjoyed your blogs. I will probably be keeping my going, but not every week. It has been an experience that is not always the easiest to keep up with.

Tall Blonde German said...

You were actually my best follower for this whole term! Whenever I saw a comment underneath my blog, it was surely either just you or someone else AND you!
I have to say, I sort of got used to blogging. However, I sometimes didn't have any good ideas to write about. I did set up a blog for my residents (lol, and you're one of them) to keep them updated. This way at least everyone can choose to read it or not. I don't want to bother every resident every time that I have news for them, so I just notify them and they can check it out or not. This way I think the blog helps to communicate to those that are interested in it. I think I will continue my blog; not only for the residents, but also just for people who are interested in it.

Javi said...

I agree with you completely, blogging is the worst. I never knew what to write about or how to state my opinions in order not to offend anyone. I'm glad it's over though it was an interesting assginment