Monday, September 22, 2008

whats the big deal?

Homecoming is this weekend, and i just have to ask what is the big deal?? Does anyone really even care who the homecoming king and queen are? The only people that i thought may seem to care who homecoming king and queen are, are the ten people on the court, or so i thought. I have talked to a few people on the court and they could care less, they feel that is a privilege to be out there but in high school it was such a bigger deal. There are the people though that take this pretty seriously. There is a facebook group asking people to please vote for this person or that person. That is ridiculous, If they want the plastic crown and tierra that bad they can have it. Years from now the only people that will remeber who won are the winners themselves. Yet winning is a matter of life and death to them it seems. They have to win to make themselves seem soo popular but the fact of the matter is that the majority of people that probaly voted for them are people that don't even know who they are and just saw their name on the facebook group they sent to everyone. The real big deal is that there is more to this weekend then just winning homecoming king and queen.

1 comment:

Tall Blonde German said...

I really agree with you! Since we don't have homecoming in Germany, I didn't even know what a homecoming king or queen is before I came here. My Freshman year I finally learned what it is, but I was also wondering why people made such a big fuzz about it. Usually the people who are elected are either like the school's most popular people anyways or they just happen to have the money to buy the voters. When I go to the homecoming ceremony on Saturday I still won't care who wears that little plastic crown, because it will most likely be someone who is already popular and probably didn't need another reminder that everyone loves them already. The people who matter to me are the people who have a great personality and are true friends, but for some reason I didn't even find those people among the nominees!